Oatlands Project

Oatlands Project.
A project in Oatlands Tasmania. Design, Paving, Gabon cages, artificial turf, custom steel edging and plantings.
Design Brief
The Design brief for this project was to create an oasis in the desert! The site started out as a barren sand and rock filled paddock. We installed pavers, Gabon cages filled utilising natural stone from the area, plants and mulch, custom made steel garden edging and artificial turf. A challenging site which was very cold and windy (down to -3 degrees on some days) with thich frosts. Keeping things rugged and natural with a country twist, using a herringbone pattern with the main pathways, helped us to keep with the old world style the client desired. Originating from the roadways in the Roman Empire, herringbone was used to create extremely durable and stable thoroughfares. We selected a colour that was in keeping with the natural environment, as much of Tasmania has natural sandstone buildings with colonial heritage. This type of stone was using to fill the gabion cages. In staying with the brief, the landscape was designed for alfresco entertaining as well as having a charming aesthetic when viewed from the main residence on those cold winter days. Using natural materials and colours and old world paving patterns to accentuate the use of pavers in the main entertaining areas brought the bricks to life, overall accomplishing what the home owners were after from design to completion and beyond.

Contruction works.
Construction is under way!

Completion and show case.
The show case of the finished product along with a few progress pictures in this short video.